Phone Number
Pembroke Pines
10051 Pines Boulevard Ste A.
Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024
330 S State Rd 7, Suite 500
Plantation, FL 33317

New Families
From the day you learn you’re pregnant, you make decisions that last your child’s lifetime — like the name you choose for your baby. To give your newborn the healthiest possible start, you’ll want to find a pediatrician to care for your child from their first wellness visit through the teen years. Sunlife Pediatric Network is your go-to place child’s pediatric needs.

Adolescents and Young Adults
At Sunlife Pediatric Network we offer physicals for children newborn to 21 years old. Dr. Zambrano will check your child’s vital signs and monitoring their height and weight your pediatrician will also check hearing, eyesight, respiration, cardiac activity and reflexes. A physical exam will check all systems of your child’s body to make sure that everything is functioning properly.
Easy Scheduling
Children and teens need regular checkups with their doctors to make sure their development is on track, talk about nutrition and behavior, and get the vaccines they need to stay healthy. At Sunlife Pediatric Network we make scheduling easy – give us a call at (954) 889-4029 or click here.
Forms For Your Visit
We have all the New Patient forms you need online! Click here to fill out your forms
Our Services
Children and teens need regular checkups with their doctors to make sure their development is on track, talk about nutrition and behavior, and get the vaccines they need to stay healthy. Sunlife Pediatric Network offers care for children newborn to 21 years old.

Physicals - Newborn through 21 years old

Newborn circumcision - under local anesthesia using the plastibell method until 2 months of age (a bit older if premature)

Tele-health services
“In support of our strong partnership with the Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics (FL-AAP), we are excited to share their most recent Public Service Announcement (PSA) promoting routine childhood vaccines in Florida.
Simply Healthcare is proud to sponsor the production of this important public health message. Even during these challenging times, we want to ensure parents are aware of the importance of keeping their children up to date in their immunizations. In 2020 alone, there was a 26 percent decrease in vaccine doses, and 40 percent of parents said children missed shots due to COVID-19, according to recent data released by the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association.
The PSA which was produced in English and Spanish can be accessed via these links. We hope that you can share the PSA within your organization, as well as with your community partners, patients, and families.”

Car Seat Basics
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, motor vehicle crashes are the #1 killer of kids in age groups 1-14. Safe Kids USA says motor vehicle crashes are the #1 cause of unintentional injury-related death for all children 14 and under. While some crashes are unsurvivable, over 57% of deaths for children 0-15 were because the child was unrestrained. Many more were improperly restrained. Nationally, the misuse rate for child safety seats is over 80% and as high as 95% in some areas. The good news is that correct use of car seats and boosters does save lives. Infant seats have been shown to reduce fatal injury by 71%, and toddler seats by 54%. The information and links on this web page can help you with one of the easiest and most important ways you can protect your children.
What our Patients say
From the day you learn you’re pregnant, you make decisions that last your child’s lifetime — like the name you choose for your baby. To give your newborn the healthiest possible start, you’ll want to find a pediatrician to care for your child from their first wellness visit through the teen years.
What is a Pediatrician?
Pediatricians provide preventive health care for children in good health and medical care for acutely or chronically ill children. They also provide parents with support and advice regarding growth and development, safety and prevention, nutrition, and emotional wellness to foster a lifetime of good health.
Can I see my pediatrician before my baby is born?
How often should my child see a pediatrician?
Children and teens need regular checkups with their doctors to make sure their development is on track, talk about nutrition and behavior, and get the vaccines they need to stay healthy.